Organized Play

The following are the end dates for the 2024 organized play season:

Monday Co-ed-September 23

Tuesday Novice- September 24

Tuesday Mixer- September 24

Wednesday Ladies Advanced- September 25

Wednesday Ladies Intermediate- End of October

Wednesday Ladies evening-September 25

Thursday Men's day-September 26

Thursday Men's evening-September 26

Friday Intermediate co-ed-September 27

Saturday 8:30 Advanced-October 19

Saturday 10:30- End of October.  

Weekly Organized Play

Organized Play registration is now done using PCNS.  Registration opens every Saturday at 7:00 pm. In order to register for any of the events listed on this page please click on the REGISTER NOW button. 

If you need to withdraw from an event please do this yourself instead of emailing the event manager. Please see the information on how to register and/or withdraw below:

How To Register For An Event(s)

NOTE: We are using the Pickleball Canada Registration system. Therefore you will need to use the same name and email address that you would have used when you registered for your WKPC membership.

If you don't like to read instructions you can watch the video at the below this section instead of reading the instructions below.

Weekly Events Registration.webm

How To Withdraw from An Event(s)

If you need to withdraw from an event please do the following:

You can watch a video example on how to withdraw below:

How To Remove Yourself From An Event.webm

Weekly Organized Events 

NOTE: The details below are subject to change and will be updated here if/when they do

Monday Events

Monday morning Coed Partner Play

Coaching Your Way

Tuesday Events

Tuesday Novice/Intermediate Round Robin 

Tuesday Evening Advanced Social Mixer 

Wednesday Events

Ladies' Day

Ladies' Evening

Thursday Events

Thursday Morning Men's Day

Thursday Evening Men’s Night

Friday Events

Intermediate Coed Round Robin Play

Friday 4.0+ Coed Scramble 

Saturday Events

Advanced Mixed Competitive Play - 8:30 am session

  Advanced Mixed Competitive Play - 10:30 am session

Drop In Play

We have drop in play daily. Please watch this video or read the procedures below:

Drop In Play Guidelines